Post by Jay on Jul 11, 2016 22:42:54 GMT
*Official Server Rules*
Introduction to our rules
* These rules are for the sole purpose of keeping our server strict and clean from rulebreakers.*
* All players are to follow these rules and will face severe punishments if failed to do so. *
* Admin's words are final and are not to be discussed with. If you feel the need, you may forum
report them if they've done something against the server rules. *
* If you catch someone abusing any of those rules your duty is to immediately report that person
using /report. *
* Take Screen Shots of anyone breaking rules and report them on our forums if our admins didn't
take the report in time. *
Minor Offences
1. [MG] Metagaming
* This is the act of mixing In Character with Out Of Character information. *
Reading a name tag of some person and after that using it in a In Character chat.
Using information received in faction ( family ) Out Of Character chat, /f in In Character chat.
Using Skype or any other type of Out Of Game communication to call for backup.
Using any type of internet slang in a In Character chat ( "LOL, ROFL, LMAO" ).
First offence: $5,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $7,500 Fine and a second warning
Third offence & recurring offences: 10 Minutes of the Admin Prison
* This can also be defined as Mixing. *
2. [NJ] Ninja Jacking
* This is the act of using <enter> or <f> to breach into someone's vehicle while they are in the
driver seat without any Role Play. *
Seeing someone parked next to the road when you don't have a ride, walking up to their vehicle
and jacking it using <enter> or <f> without any Role Play.
First offence: Slap and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $5,000 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: Kick
3. Using Another Language In Any Type Of Chat *This is the act of using another language but English, either In Character or Out Of Character chat.*
Using the local Out Of Character chat ( /b ) to say: "Alo bre majmune jedan! Sta to radis!!??!"
Using the global Family/Faction Out Of Character chat ( /f ) to say: "Salut, comment allezvous?"
First offence: $2,500 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $5,000 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: Kick
4. [PG] Powergaming
* This is the act of doing actions that are not possible In Real Life by either showing those actions
with your character or trying to Role Play those actions. *
Using defining In Character chat ( /me ) to cause a earthquake.
Using defining In Character chat ( /me ) to kill someone without letting them to respond on this action.
Using defining In/Out Of Character chat ( /do ) to block bullets using Matrix moves.
First offence: $5,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $10,000 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: 15 Minutes of the Admin Prison
5. [CS] Car Surfing
* This is the act of "surfing" on vehicle's roof or on a motorbike without using any Role Play. *
Jumping on top of a vehicle because there's not enough seats in the vehicle without any Role Play.
Jumping on top of a motorbike because there's just enough place for two without any Role Play.
First offence: A Slap and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $2,500 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: $5,000 Fine and a Teleportation to the Los Angeles Police Department station
6. [CR] Chicken Running
* This is the act of running in circles or zig zag running to avoid bullets from hitting themselves. *
Being in a shootout and when on low [H]ealth oints starting to run away in zig zag moves.
Being shot in a point war by a AK47 and when on low [H]ealth oints starting to run around the person that's shooting you.
First offence: Pause of the shootout and a $5,000 Fine with a Verbal Warning
Second offence: 15 Minutes of Admin Prison
7. [BH] Bunny Hop
* This is the act of rapidly jumping to get faster to some location. *
You just died and you need to get somewhere fast so you start rapidly jumping to get there. You are in middle in no where and you don't have a ride so you start rapidly jumping to get back to the city.
First offence: Slap and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: Slap and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: Kick
8. [AP] Asspulling
* This is the act of using either <q> and <e> or mouse scroll to take your weapon out without any Role Play. *
You're in a turf war, going to attack the enemies and you press <q> to take out your weapon without any Role Play.
You got in argument with someone and you just scroll your weapon out without any Role Play.
First offence: $5,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $10,000 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: 15 Minutes of Admin Prison
9. NonRole Play name
* This is the act of having a name that has no common features with the Real Life names. *
Logging in with the name Ultra_Gamer, Juicy_Co*k., Lil_Wayne.
Instant kick with a Warning to Change the name stated in the Reason. After multiple kicks issue a 2 hours Temp Ban.
10. General Non Role Play Actions
* This is the act of doing different types of actions to troll, provoke or such. *
Running around a Role Play situation to disturb the Role Play.
Coming into the gang area and provoking them to shoot you by insulting them and such.
First offence: $5,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second Offence: $10,000 Fine, the second warning and a Teleportation to Los Angeles Police Department station
Third offence & recurring offences: 20 Minutes of Admin Prison
11. Out Of Character Insulting
* This is the act of Insulting someone using Out Of Character chat. *
Using local Out Of Character chat ( /b ) to say: "F*ck you!"
Using Family/Faction global Out Of Character chat ( /f ) to say: "Go f*ck yourself!"
First offence: $5,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $7,500 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: Kick
12. Posting a Advertisement which is non Role Play or Illegal
* This is the act of posting a Advertisement which has in it Out Of Character information or Illegal stuff. *
/ad Why did you DM me?
/ad Selling cocacola bottles, each one weighting 30 grams. ( meaning of coke )
/ad Selling a book named "81G in tha hood" ( Unless Role Playly made and posted on the forum. )
/ad Looking to buy some Household Materials. ( Meaning of ABC mats. )
First offence: $10,000 Fine and a Verbal Warning
Second offence: $15,000 Fine and the Second Warning
Third offence & recurring offences: /[AD]vertisement Ban
Note: Extremely NonRole Play Advertisements result in the /[AD]vertisement Ban without the first and the second offence. Major Offences
1. [DM] Death Matching
* This is the act of trying to kill or killing someone without a proper Role Play reason. *
Killing someone because you felt like doing it.
Killing someone just for fun.
Killing someone because they insulted you in Out Of Character chat.
Killing someone because you just don't like them.
30 Minutes in Admin Prison
2. [KOS] Killing On Sight
* This is the act of killing everybody in your range or the act of killing a certain person as many times as you want every time you see them without any Role Play* ( associated with Major rule Number 1 ).
You hate someone so you start killing them any time you see them even if you don't have a reason.
You run up to the group of people somewhere and you open fire on them without any reason or warning.
45 Minutes of Admin Prison
3. [RK] Revenge Kill
* This is the act of trying to physically harming a player who killed you before for the same reason or returning to the location where you died. *
You can return to the location if the person who killed you left the location.
You got shot by someone and died and after that you go to your locker, get your gun again and shoot the guy who killed you.
You got killed at gang HQ and you go back there to argue with them about that kill ( In Out Of Character or In Character chat ).
You got killed and after that you was called to come back using In Character or Out Of Character chat.
You got killed in a family shootout and your gang members that survived called you to return back to help them to kill the ones who attacked you.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
4. Logging To Avoid
* This is the act of quitting the game or switching characters in order to save yourself from losing something or to evade a Role Play situation. *
Your vehicle is close to blowing up and someone's speeding straight at you and you use the command /switchchar to avoid it.
You're getting shot and you're on low [H]ealth oints so you decide to /[Q]uit the game so you don't lose your items.
You're about to get arrested so you either /[Q]uit or /switchchar to avoid it. The situation of using <alt> + <tab> or <escape> to avoid some situation will be punished with this reason too.
First offence: 30 Minutes of Admin Prison
Second offence: 45 Minutes of Admin Prison
Third offence: 48 Hours Ban
5. [CR] Car Ramming
* This is the act of trying to or physically harming a player or his vehicle with a vehicle. *
You got offended because someone insulted you so you decide to start ramming him with your vehicle.
You got in a gunfight and you succeeded in reaching a vehicle so you start ramming other with that vehicle.
20 Minutes of Admin Prison
6. [CP] Car Parking
* This is the act of trying to or physically harming a player with a vehicle planed on him. *
You got insulted by someone so you drive your vehicle straight onto them without moving off them until they die.
Someone's shooting at you so you speed up straight into them, driving them over but not going over them until their health completely drains due to the vehicle planted on them.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
7. Car Bombing
* This is the act of trying to or physically harming a player with a vehicle set on fire to explode at their location. *
You're going to point war without any weapons so you decide to slowly drive to your enemies and when they get your vehicle on fire to ram into them.
You got mad at someone for some reason so you ram your vehicle into the wall until it's on low [H]ealth oints and than ram into the person you hate so the vehicle explodes.
40 Minutes of Admin Prison
8. Avoiding/Refusing to/Lying in a Role Play situation
*This is the act of refusing to comply in a Role Play situation with a irrelevant reason. *
You're getting robbed and you have $200,000 on yourself so you're refusing to comply in the certain situation not to lose money.
You're being shot using Role Play but you refuse to answer on the Role Play questions given to you by using /do.
You has $150,000 on yourself and you're getting robbed but you're saying that you have $20,000.
First offence: A Verbal Warning
If continued: 25 Minutes of Admin Prison
9. Healing In a Brawl/Gunfight
* This is the act of abusing Ammunations, drugs or food stores to get [H]ealth oints in a Brawl or a Gunfight. *
You got in a shootout to 10 [H]ealth oints so you decide to run into the Ammunation to restore your Health and Armour.
You are about to die in a brawl and there's a food store near you so you ran to it while you're being chased and eat food to refill Health.
You're on low [H]ealth oints in a turf war so you start using drugs to refill your health when there's a shootout going on.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
10. Hiding Information from the Administration Team
* This is the act of refusing to give certain information about something or someone to the
Administration Team member. *
You know who Death Matched someone but you're refusing to tell it to the administrator. You know some type of bug in the script but you're hiding it from the Administration Team.
Hiding basic information such as in the Example N1: 15 Minutes of Admin Prison
Hiding important information such as in the Example of N2: 30 Minutes of Admin Prison to a
Temporary Ban
( Depending on the type of bug. )
11. Using Weapons In No Crime Zones
* This is the act of using Firearms in a zone listed as a No Crime Zone. *
If a LEO makes you use firearms in those zones.
If the person you're chasing tries to evade to the NCZ. Examples:
Using firearms at Idlewood gas station. Using firearms at Unity.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
12. Killing after Robbing
* This is the act of killing someone after you've previous robbed this person. *
You robbed someone with your gang and than you kill him without a reason.
If they've insulted you.
If you've kidnapped them and took them to a hidden spot outside the city.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
13. Robbing Above the Limit/Without Following Robbing Rules
* This is the act of robbing someone above the limit stated in the following text. *
The limit:
The maximum robbing limit is $100.000 with the maximum of $5.000 per each level. You can not rob anyone below level 3.
You robbed level 2 for any amount of money.
You robbed level 11 for $170.000. You robbed someone for $800.000.
First offence: Asking the suspect to give the money himself and giving the first verbal warning. Second offence: Giving the second warning. Third offence: 30 minutes of Admin Jail and forcefully removing the money and refunding the victim.
14. Double Killing
* This is the act of killing someone in EMS state after you've previous killed them. *
You killed someone and after that they got in the EMS state so you kill them again.
30 Minutes of Admin Prison
15. Non-Roleplay Behavior In A Shootout
* This is the act of wrongfully behaving in a shootout by not taking cover but instead rushing into the enemy and shooting them at point blank range ( might also be known as "the Rambo rule" ) *
When your character is in arm reach of a cover such as wall or a vehicle.
When you're running to a new cover.
Examples: You're in a shootout and instead of taking a cover you decide to rush into the enemy in plain sight and shooting them at point blank range. Punishments:
30 Minutes of Admin Prison Heavy offences
1. Using Illegal Modifications
* This is the act of using any type of modifications that give you advantage against others. *
Using any type of hacks. ( HH, Weapon, Vehicle.. )
Using a skin/character mod that doesn't physically match the original skin. ( Tall/short, fat/thin. )
Permanent Ban
2. Exploiting/Abusing a bug
* This is the act exploiting game/script bug to get benefits from it. *
Using some script bug to spawn yourself guns or money. Using some bug to farm money.
Permanent Ban
3. Impersonating Server Administration Team or Owners
* This is the act of pretending to be one of the Administration Team members or Owners. *
Pretending to be Fred to get someone banned. Pretending to be Ege to scam someone.
Permanent Ban
4. Massive Death Match
* This is the act of massively Death Matching random people without a apparent reason. *
Death Matching anyone who comes close to you. Drivebying anyone you see.
Weapon Ban and Permanent Ban
5. Plane Bombing
* This is the act of crashing a plane into a group of people to Death Match them. *
Crashing into Unity station when there's a car show and it's crowded with people. ( On purpose. )
Permanent Ban
5. Skill Farming
* This is the act of constantly selling the same weapon to a player or giving drugs to raise your
level. *
* Not going to list the ways of doing this. *
48 Hours Temporary Ban
6. Money Farming
* This is the act of constantly creating new accounts in order to transfer the money from them to
your main account. *
Examples: * Not going to list the ways of doing this. *
Permanent Ban
7. Ban Evading
* This is the act of creating another account after your main account have been banned. *
You got banned for something so you create new account to play again.
Permanent Ban
8. Racism
* This is the act of being racist towards any religion or person. *
Permanent Ban
9. Using another account to avoid PH punishment
*This is the act of creating another account to rule break to avoid getting punished for something on your main account*
Temporary Ban on main account for 72 hours GENERAL ROBBING/SCAMMING RULES
* You're not allowed to rob/scam anyone below level 3. *
* You're not allowed to rob one person multiple times in a short period of time. *
* You're not allowed to kill after a robbery unless you're provoked to do it. *
* You're not allowed to abuse some /service to rob someone. *
* You're not allowed to rob someone after you've just sold or bought something from them. *
* No OOC scamming/robbing is allowed. *
* Maximum robbing limit is $2,500 per level with the maximum of $25,000. *
* Maximum scamming limit is $50,000. *
Breaking any of those rules will result in a 30 minutes jail and the refund of the lost items to the victim.